Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Really Funny.....Must Watch

Women Suck Better

Monday, April 21, 2008

A sketch of Mother Mary

Hey Guyss!!!! Here's a sketch of Mother Mary i made the other day.....Please do Comment....:)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How to stay environmently cool this summer

Unless you’re living in the Arctic (and even then) you’ve probably noticed that summer is here. Besides your melting popsicle and soaking brow, your soaring electricity bills are clear indicators.

It turns out that there are plenty of cheap, easy, and fun ways to beat the summer heat without beating the environment or your wallet. Green isn’t just cool: cool is green. Here are some ideas from Treehugger...

Be a fan-atic. Instead of reaching for the AC, consider the much underrated ceiling fan. It uses dramatically less energy than an air conditioner, costs less to buy, is a breeze to install, and cools like a charm. And for you DIY types, there’s always the classic hand fan, made out of the nearest newspaper, magazine, or outdoor concert brochure.

Consume the cold stuff. Take advantage of your fridge by filling up some spare bottles with water and keeping them in there. And keep one in the freezer for those extra hot days. Eat small, light meals, and foods high in water content, like fruits & vegetables. Also, don’t you forget the organic ice cream and sorbet (like the UK’s Rocombe makes)! Remember too to keep that fridge closed as much as possible--the more it's open, the more energy it uses and the more heat it releases.

Turn off the hot stuff. Switch off your computer and lights when not in use (try to avoid incandescent and halogen lamps in favor of compact florescent ones), and forgo the oven if you can. In fact...

Get out of the kitchen. Forget your hot indoor stove or even outdoor grille—you’ve already got the sun! Feel some SOUL or make your own solar oven. Heating your afternoon tea meanwhile is simply a matter of leaving some tea leaves in your glass of water and letting it warm on the window sill. (But yes, beware--some say making sun tea could be bad for your health)

Keep it on the down low. Heat rises, so try to stay on lower floors of buildings. If you’ve got a stone or tile floor, wipe it off and lie down on it for a cool respite.

Let in the breeze. Circulate air by opening windows, especially those on the north and south of your house or apartment—but keep out the heat with some white window shades (to deflect the sun) or bamboo blinds. And don’t forget the old-fashioned Israeli air conditioner: drench some sheets in water (or wash some clothes) and hang them over the windows to let the water evaporate in the breeze, creating a lovely cooling effect.

Take a cool shower. It's a great way to chill out fast and keep the air in your home cool too—and considering how quickly you may want to get out of it, a cool shower is also a great way to save water. Also: try throwing some rose water in a spray bottle and give yourself a light misting now and then. It'll also help cover up your less-than-pleasant summer fragrance au naturale.

Plant some trees. If you live in a house, planting trees on the south and west sides of your home will provide enough shade in the summer (and wind blockage in the winter). Opt for deciduous trees, which shade in summer and allow light and radiant heat to pass through in the winter.

Go Chinese. The hand fan is only the tip of China’s summer-cooling iceberg. Sitting outside, as older folks do here in the hotter months, isn’t just comfortable, it’s sociable. Find a bamboo mat for your chair—they rarely heat up and don’t soak up sweat—pull up your shirt to cool your tummy (try to ask permission before attempting further nudity--trust me) and relax over a game of checkers, or a cool plate of watermelon, iced tea, or (mmm) pickled cucumbers.

And if you must use the air conditioner. Remember to keep doors and windows closed to maximize cooling. Also make sure you’re using an energy-efficient Energy Star model, and clean the filter every so often so as to improve air flow. In addition, consider using an electric fan to supplement the AC, allowing you to raise the thermostat 9 degrees Fahrenheit higher to get the same resulting temperature--and saving up to 30% of your energy consumption.

Pretty cool, eh? Before it gets any hotter in here, it'd be great to hear your own ideas too!

And by the way, i just got news:

This year's Summer Colour is Yellow....so go out and stay kewl in the colour of the sun.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Exams over at last

Hey Guys...guess what...my exams just got over....yippeee....it''s pretty strange how exams can turn you into a complete beast i.e. with bloodshot eyes, tired look,messy hair, pimples, probably hunched and irritable.. Anyways, no use reflecting on whats gone....it's time to look foward with great times ahead.
summer vacations are here to stay,
all we gotta do, is to get out and play.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sorry For Absence

Hey guys....Sorry for not writting for so long....was really busy...but i guess that's no excuse ...lol...but neways it's a popular one...hehe....Now to the point...I'm going to start writting again...So get ready to see some Colour...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Happy Friendship Day Guys!!! mwaaah

Somewhere between the * procrastination* and the homework ..
and the incessant forwards
and the friendships and the calls
to each other complaining about CrUsHeS and
BF/GF!! Somewhere between the phone calls to old
and the "I miss you's ", the "I love you's" and
the "
What are we doing tonight's?" And somewhere
between all of the changing and gro wing ...
between the classes and the skipping
...and the StUdYiNg for teStS ...And the
PRETENDING to "StUdY" for TeStS...
And the
downright NOT StUdYiNg for TeStS...
I forgot--I forgot what
ScHooL was all about.

Somewhere between all the
appointments, starbuck coffee ,
and Mc Donald's... paying bills and then not paying bills ...
Making plans then breaking plans ... Appearing, Disappearing,
then reappearing... I forgot--I forgot what it was like to
I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you
happy ... And that pretending to
SmArT doesn't make you smart .. I forgot
that you can't just
forget the past in
fear of the FUTURE... I forgot that you
control falling in Lo Ve..
And that you can't make yourself
fall in *LoVe*
.... I learned that I can LOVE... I
learned that it's okay to MEsS UP....
And it's okay to
ask for HELP!!!.. And it's
okay to feel like crap... I learned it's okay to cOmPLaiN
and wHINe to all your friends for a whole day........
I learned that
sometimes the things you want
most you just can't have and the things that
you look for are right in front of you.
I learned that the greatest thing about
HiGh ScHOoL and CoLLeGe and the working world
it isn't about the parties or the
DRiNKiNG or the Hookups ...

It's the
*FrIeNdShIpS*, which means taking chances.
I learned that
sometimes the things we want to forget
are the things which we most need to
talk about...
I learned that
TIME and LOVE can heal all things...
I learned that just when you
think it can't get worse - it does! ...
but with the
love and support of friends - you survive ...
I've learned that when you start feeling
about L O S I N G touch and about those that you've lost!
They too, are feeling the
same way. ...

I learned that letters from friends are the
most important things. And that sending cards to your
friends makes you feel better! But, basically, I just learned
that my friends........ Both
old and new ..... are the most important
people to me in the world AND.......without them, I wouldn't be who
I am today.....

So this is a THANK YOU to all of my friends...
For always being there. And even if we're not on good terms
or we have lost touch... I will always have an unconditional
love for you.. ~Always and forever ~


*I wanted to thank all my friends family and STRANGERS who have

forwarded chain letters to me in 2004 & 2005 & 2006*

Because of your kindness:

* I stopped drinking Coca Cola after I found out that it's good for
removing toilet stains

* I stopped going to the movies for fear of sitting on a needle infected with AIDS.

* I smell like a wet dog since I stopped using deodorants because they cause cancer.

* I don't leave my car in the parking lot or any other place and
sometimes.I even have to walk about 7 blocks for fear that someone
will drug me with a perfume sample and try to rob me.

* I also stopped answering the phone for fear that they may ask me to dial a stupid number
and then I get a phone bill from with calls to Uganda, Singapore and Tokyo.

* I also stopped drinking anything out of a can for fear that I will get sick from the rat feces and urine.

* When I go to parties, I don't look at any boy, no matter how hot he is, for fear that
he will take me to a hotel, drug me then take my kidneys and leave me taking a nap in a bathtub full of ice.

* I also donated all my savings to the Amy Bruce account. A sick girl that was about to die in the hospital about 7,000 times. (Poor girl! she's been 7 since 1993...)

* I went bankrupt from bounced checks that I made expecting the
$15,000 that Microsoft and AOL were supposed to send me whenI
participated in their special e-mail program would arrive soon.

* My free Nokia phone never arrived and neither did the free passes for a paid vacation to Disneyland.

* Still open to help some from Bulgaria who wants to use my account to transfer his uncle property of some hundred millions $.

* Made some Hundred wishes before forwarding those Ganesh Vandana,
Tirupathi Balaji pics etc. now most of those 'Wishes' are already
married (to someone else)


If you do not copy this and send it to at least 19999999999 people in the
next 10 seconds, a bird will SH** on your head today at 6:30 pm

Have nice day!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006


Ever wondered how many times in an avg day you can get bored...when there's nothing worthwhile to watch on television or no new song thats up on the radio and u've played all those games and so u cuddle up and just while away those hours staring blankly.
well worry no more coz i've got a gr8 site to accompany u when ur bored.http://www.i-am-bored.com/